Wfb: Chapter 69

There are a lot of Guys that Like to Show Off How They can Get Pretty Girlfriends, but Strangely, Usually No One Cares But Themselves.

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“We decided not to tell the ones back at the capital about this yet. If we think about it, it’s not like knowing stuff like this would change anything right now.”

Masaki explained the situation that the 4 gamers from Carnus had decided on.

“Is that going to be ok though? Won’t they be mad if they find out later?”

I know I’d be pissed.

“When these guys go back and the others come to this city, I’ll tell them then.”

Seimei-san calmly replies.

It’s true that I think they might receive it better if they hear it from Seimei-san in person.

“What kind of people are they? The other gamers?”

“Um… there’s Karin, a High Knight, Hide, an Assassin, and Emi-chan, a Storm Mage.”

Midori-chan counted off the other 3 Japanese gamers they had left behind in Jornia, the Carnus capital.

“Karin and Hide aside, Emi-chan won’t handle the news well.”

Tatsu-san muttered, rustling the back of his head.


“She cried almost nonstop the first few nights. Even now, she’s a complete, nervous wreck. She hates leaving her room, or the library, and is super timid.”

Masaki explained.

Un. It doesn’t surprise me that someone would be that freaked out about our situation. More like, it’s strange that more of us aren’t like that.

Well, I know I’m not one who can talk.

“Come to think of it, after thinking about things last night and going through my notes, I remembered Emi-chan telling me about altars to the Elements of Magic.”

Seimei-san said.

“Oh? So, something like the globe in the Water Corridor?”

I asked.

“Nn, maa, I didn’t think about it at the time, but I think it’s similar. There are 4 altars to Fire, Water, Earth, and Air scattered across the lands, and for the people who have reached the pinnacle of those magics, they can commune with the Elements to receive guidance.”


It definitely sounds like the same thing.

“Are the other ‘altars’ in Labyrinths too?”

“I don’t know that information. To be honest, I wasn’t listening very carefully…”


“Oh, that’s right, Sei-chan told Emi-chan to try to figure out how all our magic and stuff works, so she could focus on something and calm down.”

Tatsu-san said that kind of indifferently.

“Ne, Sei-chan, do you remember what she was talking about, about how magic used to be viewed differently?”

Midori-chan asked.

“Nn? No, she didn’t tell me anything about that.”

Masaki sighed,

“Ah, she probably thought it wasn’t important, since it was kind of like the ancient history of how people used to view magic.”

“It was something I thought of last night, when Jun-chan was telling us about the Aether. Um… it’s something like Fire, Water, Earth, and Air used to be thought of as the elements that make up existence, while Light and Dark are primal elements. Light is something like pulse of creation, which is called also called Aether. It can’t be a coincidence, right?”

No, it can’t be just a coincidence. That’s what everybody quietly acknowledged.

Seimei-san paled a bit and asked,

“Then,  Dark is …”

“Dark is the state of nothing, which is also called Void. Ah, well, Emi said that theory isn’t popular among anyone but the elves anymore, since no one really understands how Light and Dark work…”

“No, isn’t this matter supporting that theory?”

Masaki nervously chewed on a fingernail.

“… Even if that’s true, I don’t understand what Aether is at all. The pulse of creation? What’s that?”

I frown while I ask. Even when I check my Status, I don’t have anything like Light Magic, you know? Just what kind of thing is it?

“I dunno.”

Midori-chan shrugs.


“I guess we should ask Emi-chan to do some more research on that topic…”

Seimei-san said absentmindedly.

“Excuse us, we brought breakfast-!”

The rest of the conversation was abruptly cut short as the lithe half-elf Jarna and the pretty Featherkin Heiran brought in trays of food. Several other of the girls came soon after, bringing trays of drinks, and Nifta the Rabbitkin poured them, getting quite close to the guys as she did so.

An advanced technique.

“Ah… Jarna, you guys didn’t have to…”

“Nono, it’s not much trouble at all!”

“That’s right, it’s not often Jun-chan brings friends over!”

… Am I your loner, gloomy kid who can’t make friends at school or something?

“Damn, they’re all super babes! Hey, can I start living here too?”

As soon as the girls said quick hellos and Jarna laid out the breakfast, they left us alone and Tatsu-san immediately makes that kind of questionable request.

“No men are allowed in the living quarters though…”


He’s probably somewhere between age 18 to 21 … Ah, he must be at least 20, since he seems used to drinking.

I don’t know if it’s impressive or not that he’s remaining so excited about these high-class women that would scare most young men away since they feel so out of reach.

Seimei-san too, he’s calmly looking around the shop.

Is this something like crossing the threshold into adulthood?

“Hm… this seems like quite the high-class shop…”

Well, yeah. It looked high-class before too, but now, because of the renovations, the narrow hallways and small cafeteria-like drinking area had been torn down and made much more spaciously.

Now, going in through the front entrance, it’s like walking into the lobby of a high-class hotel. Right to the side is a much larger lounge for the bar and drinking, shaped in a large oval.

Going further into the back, from the lobby, going straight back, are several private party rooms. Lounge rooms, not, um, “sleeping” rooms. There’s also the back room to the far side, that’s still left as it used to be, with the stairs up to the living quarters.

By the way, we are currently in one of the private lounge rooms.

Behind the oval-lounge are the private rooms for … night work … across a narrow hall, as well as the kitchen, framing the small courtyard.

It got changed so much … I wonder how Maryiste got the Guild to pay for all this.

There’s no way Maryiste herself had enough money for such a huge renovation.

Even though I offered to help them pay for it … “You have your own expenses,” “Being an Adventurer will cost more money than you realize,” and the like; the girls said those types of things so many times I felt like my ears would explode.

Anyway, the rest of the money had to have come from the Guild, but this was such a huge change … I wonder if Dobin had met his match in Maryiste?

Well, it’s all just my idle imagination, but I full-heartedly hope that Maryiste had out-negotiated Dobin-san.

Ragnall responded to Seimei-san’s muttering.

“Yes, it’s probably the highest-class ‘service’ shop in Nyl City. An establishment that even some Noble-samas aren’t embarrassed to visit.”

“I see. And that’s why it’s so close to the edge of the district.”

Oh, I didn’t think about that before, but it’s true. You don’t have to go too far into the red-light district before you reach The Queen Mary’s, if you’re coming from the main street.

Well, if you went the way I initially did right when I first came to Nyl City, winding through the alleyways, it’s a different story…

“That reminds me, there is a high-class party tonight.”

Seimei-san said suddenly.

“Huh? What are you talking about?”

It felt like that came out of nowhere, so I asked Seimei-san.

“Just introducing all of us to the Nobles of various countries with the excuse that it’s a welcoming party; that kind of pain-in-the-ass formal gathering. Of course, as my guards, Ragnall-san and Jun-kun will be coming along.”


Ah, Ragnall and I both made a really unhappy sound.

No, well, this party sounds like a pain…

Seimei-san smiles wryly.

“Haa, we’re not really that happy about it either, you know? But … that’s right, this is a good opportunity. Would we be able to hire an escort for Masa-yan for the party?”



The first yelp was Masaki, the second was Tatsu-san.

Tatsu-san stood up and said, loudly,

“Why JUST Masaki!?”

“Nonono, shouldn’t the question be why do I have to have an escort?”

Masaki retorted.

“Why you need an escort … did you forget what happened every time we had to attend this kind of party in Carnus?”


No, wait, please expand on the subject. Masaki’s gone kind of blank-faced, so clearly it’s something interesting.

“I think girls below 10 years old was definitely pushing it…”

“What about the women over 40?”


Masaki yelled and clasped his hands to his ears.

I grin.

“What were you saying, about being a riajuu?”

“Shit. It doesn’t count, I was only getting proposals shoved on me through various Noble households, mostly by the dads. And I’m not a lolicon or an older lady lover, so it doesn’t count!”

I glance over at Tatsu-san.

“Surely it wasn’t just lolis and cougars?”

“No, there were some ladies of reasonable ages, but it’s marriage you know? It’s the end of your youth!”

… Tatsu-san, something tells me you probably didn’t have a girlfriend back in Japan.

“Haa, something like having a hired escort won’t stop very determined Nobles from trying to promote their daughters and sisters anyway.”

Seimei-san cuts into the discussion.

“Huh? Then why-“

“It’s for the OTHER people who approach you. Having a pretty lady on your arm might dissuade some of those men.”


I slightly back away from Masaki.

“No-! It’s not like that, dangit!”

“Hehehe, we’re talking about the types of guys that try to recruit Masaki for their personal armies, or the hot-blooded type who get drunk and want to duel him.”

“Ah, I see.”

Midori-chan is giggling at Masaki’s discomfort.

He’s probably the brunt of most of their jokes, huh?

I understand, I completely understand.

“But then, how come it’s not important for me to have an escort?”

Tatsu-san pouted a little.

“No … well, I thought it would be better for you to escort Mi-chan, since you can be considered a close friend of Prince Regin’s.”


And, I bet it’s likely that Seimei-san calculated that Tatsu-san might not be able to behave discretely with a beautiful woman hanging off his arm. I know I wouldn’t trust him.

“And Seimei-san will…”

Strictly speaking, Seimei-san is the only one who’s actually a Noble (kind of). So wouldn’t he…

Seimei-san smiled a seemingly frivolous smile that felt like it was loaded with all kinds of meanings.

“I’m used to dealing with people like this, you know? Fufufu, all joking aside, I wonder if it would even be a good idea…”

“While it’s true that there were some men of upper classes who would hire high-class prostitutes to show them off at such functions, the motives are more to show off how much money they had with hiring a beautiful woman and covering her in expensive jewels and clothing. For the young master over there, I think it would have to be a lover he escorts or else it may not have the effect you’re looking for.”

Ah, it’s Maryiste. She didn’t enter with the other girls, but she comes in now.

Seimei-san rises quickly as she enters.

“Good morning, you are the proprietress?”

“Yes, I am the Maitresse of this shop. Good morning Noble-sama, my name is Maryiste.”

“It is a pleasure to meet you. I am Seimei. There is no need for formalities in this room. Ah, for lending us this room outside of business hours, this isn’t much, but…”

Seimei-san takes a large bottle of liquor out of his Inventory, disguised as being from his bag.

Eh? I thought he had prepared several good quality accessories after he heard that I lived with some other women?

I found out later that he judged that high-grade alcohol would be better received than thoughtlessly giving accessories to women who had to be careful about their appearances. Anyway, the price of the liquor was … eh? How much? Just for liquor?!

Anyway, it seems like his judgment was correct, as Maryiste took it, realizing its worth in a moment.

“This is – Oh my, Muscortu Wine-! For such a thing…”

Un, even though I don’t know it’s exact worth at this moment, but looking at Maryiste’s face I can tell she’s torn between refusing it and keeping it.

“For such a thing, it would be better to accept it?”

Seimei-san says it lightly, although he asks it as a question in the end, trying to gently pressure Maryiste-san to take the bottle without forcing her.

She hesitates just for a moment longer, before she closes her eyes and accepts it.

“I understand. For such a wonderful gift, I thank you. Although it won’t compare, if there is any other advice that I could give regarding your evening party…”

I’ve always wondered, but just what is Maryiste? For the Maitresse of a brothel to confidently declare she can give advice on how things work with in a Noble’s party… it’s weird, right?

Seimei-san extended a hand and deftly poured her a cup of tea.

Maryiste made a strange face, but accepted it.

“Ah … in his hometown, it’s customary to pour each other drinks as a sign of courtesy, Maryiste-san.”

I can somewhat guess what she’s thinking, so I quickly say so to persuade her that it was ok for Seimei-san, a Noble, to pour her a drink. Although, the custom is more often for sake than tea, but it’s a little early for alcohol. Or like, only Seimei-san and Tatsu-san can drink it legally. Well, in Japan anyway.

We’re probably all legal in this world.

Seimei-san chuckled.

“My apologies. It appears I’m still learning the ways of this region. Your advice earlier was very helpful, and I’m glad that I could avoid embarrassing ourselves. I suppose Masa-ya – er, Masaki-san will just have to endure for now.”

“Um… Seimei-san… what do we do about … clothes…?”

Midori-chan timidly asked.

Huh. They came from the capital of Carnus, but do they have anything like formal wear? Oh, but they’ve had to attend functions like this … eh?

Other than Midori-chan, the other 3 gamers look shocked.

“Oh, I didn’t think about that…”

“We always just attended in armor because the King preferred to show us off like that…”

“Come to think of it, that’s not normal, right?”

“Mou-! You guys! Do you know how much I’ve had to suffer in that tiny miniskirt this entire time?!”

… Let’s go shopping later, Midori-chan. We’ll get you some nice, sturdy pants.

Haa, you guys… even if your game armor doesn’t get dirty, there’s a limit to things.

Fufufu. In that case… leave such things to us.”

Although it’s very helpful for Maryiste to offer to assist us for the night’s party, why is it that a chill just ran down my spine?

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A/n: Thank you kirindas and MK for your donations!

Categories Wfb

51 thoughts on “Wfb: Chapter 69

  1. “why is it that a chill just ran down my spine?”
    RUN, Jun, RUN
    ~Thx for the chap~

    Liked by 8 people

    1. And don’t look back! xD

      I foresee Jun will discover what’s like to wear a dress XD

      Thanks for the chapter!

      Liked by 8 people

    2. Run like the Sun will catch you and burn you Alive!

      Liked by 2 people

    3. Jun should be able to keep her armor. She’s going to be there as a bodyguard, not as an attendee.


  2. Jun the dress up doll incoming~
    Thanks for the new chapter!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. I’ve just finished binge reading from the beginning, and I gotta say that this is a very enjoyable story. I’ll admit to some misgivings a the beginning, as it kinda felt like a cross between O.S.O. and Kuma Kuma Kuma. Luckily I love both series so I kept going for a couple chapters (and read the comments afterward which was almost as good as the story itself) and now this work is on my short list of favorites.You should consider listing it on Novel Updates, as I believe it’ll be received rather well.

    I’ll be looking forward to more upcoming chapters, so keep up the good work!

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Novel Updates doesn’t accept English novels currently.


      1. Maybe post on Royal Road then?
        Decent site for original fiction of the LitRPG type. Some authors there have gone on to publish on Amazon. And this work is better than most.

        Liked by 3 people

      2. Yeah you’re right, I forgot about that. It’s still a great story though.


      3. It is on Royal Road, about a 30 chapter delay compared to the main site (that is here) though.


  4. “I’m a guard-”
    “If Jun acts as his escort, you’ll be able to stay close to your charge.”

    “I may have to fight-”
    “Don’t worry, we prepared a dress with a side slit so Jun can move around easily.”

    “My weapon-”
    “Ah, Jun could use space magic to store items, right?”

    “Well then, let’s get you dressed!”

    Liked by 6 people

    1. I guess that is the template.


    2. 😀
      Well, in a gender-bender cross dressing is a must…


      1. Technically since Jun is now biologically female it’s not really cross dressing,which is when a man wears a dress(and vis versa) it’s dressing up,


      2. A woman dressing as a man is actually rarely considered crossdressing, to the point where some stores have talk floating around of relabelling the “Men’s” department as “Unisex”

        For the purpose of assigning tags to media though, “Crossdressing” is slapped on just as cheaply as the “Incest” tag. For those that don’t know, the “Incest” tag ends up placed on any romance story where the main character lives under the same roof as a love interest, regardless of the actual relation between the characters.


    3. halo101master101 October 1, 2016 — 4:01 pm

      For some reason I think that that is what will be said


  5. Thanks for the chapter! 😄


  6. Reblogged this on Moriah Clan Headquarters and commented:
    Yay she is uncomfortable =)


  7. Theres something ive been wondering. Why does’nt Jun mention she was a boy to the other gamers? Is there a reason not to?

    Liked by 1 person

    1. well, I think it would be pointless.. s/he is obviously a girl in that world… so what would it change if her “mind” is a guy ?


      1. I’n not sure about that. Your gender can affect how people interact with you, as well as stuff as age, class, race and evan what pets you own.


    2. It just feels awkward. Jun’s more of an in the moment person, so s/he decides it’s not really important unless s/he can change back, which seems like it’s impossible atm. And s/he’s trying to avoid a situation like…
      Hey, by the way, I used to be a guy.
      … Oh…. (how the hell are you supposed to answer to that?)


      1. I can accept that. i guess if he mentioned he would probably get teased. thanks for the answer


  8. I kinda expect to see Yun in a dress, but…. I also kinda want to see him/(her?) in a male outfit, just to see the women go “kyaa” and stuff. Dunno why since I usually don’t care about things like that in mangas. ^^


  9. It will be like the 3 older sisters doting on their cute younger sister and using her as a dress-up doll…

    (even if it’s actually a brother and not a sister)


  10. jun’s gonna wear a dress? NOOOooooo…..k


  11. Now, I foresee Modo’s dialog, but I wondering… will we get the Jun Dress Picture? Or the Jun & Masaki Prom Photo?

    Liked by 1 person

  12. Thank you! Can you add some sketches? I really miss those.

    Liked by 1 person

  13. Thanks! Always looking forward to the next chapter!


  14. Yep Jun is definitely going to be made to dress like a lady at this event. Though with proper rational Jun you could produce a compromise and wear some sort of pants underneath right?

    Onh also a terrifying weapon ought to deter unwanted attention and the likes…


  15. Thanks for the chapter!


  16. Thanks for the chapter!


  17. Am I the only one that empathize more with Midori that complains about being always in mini than expecting to see Jun in dress ???


    Thanks k.linH !

    that’s a very good chapter.
    and Seimei is very smooth 🙂


    Liked by 1 person

  18. you guys didn’t have too…”

    Thank you for the chapter!


  19. How do you say the name of “Hide” the assassin, is it “Hi-de” like the Japanese name or “haid” like the English word for concealing?


    1. hee-day.
      But yes, the english pun is still there, because he’s an assassin …. and I am a fan of not-funny puns


  20. Thanks for the Chapter~!!!


  21. “What kind of people are they? The other gamers?”
    I don’t think the second sentence should be a question, as it is should be stating who jun’s referring to.

    “Ne, Sei-chan, do you remember what she was talking about, about how magic used to viewed differently?”
    “Ne, Sei-chan, do you remember what she was talking about, about how magic used to “be” viewed differently?”

    “Ah, she probably thought it wasn’t important, since it was kind of like (the?) ancient history of how people used to view magic.”

    “I guess we should as Emi-chan to do some more research on that topic…”
    “I guess we should “ask” Emi-chan to do some more research on that topic…”

    As soon as the girls said quick hellos and Jarna laid out the breakfast, they left us along and Tatsu-san immediately makes that kind of questionable request.
    As soon as the girls said quick hellos and Jarna laid out the breakfast, they left us “alone” and Tatsu-san immediately makes that kind of questionable request.

    good potato and thank potato(decided to roll with it)


  22. Thanks for the chapter! Was rereading the chapter for the who knows how many-th time and my mental autocorrect decided to turn off, so…
    “Ne, Sei-chan, do you remember what she was talking about, about how magic used to viewed differently?”
    should probably be
    “Ne, Sei-chan, do you remember what she was talking about, about how magic used to be viewed differently?”

    “I guess we should as Emi-chan to do some more research on that topic…”
    should probably be
    “I guess we should ask Emi-chan to do some more research on that topic…”

    “Ah… Jarna, you guys didn’t have too…”
    should probably be
    “Ah… Jarna, you guys didn’t have to…”

    As soon as the girls said quick hellos and Jarna laid out the breakfast, they left us along and Tatsu-san immediately makes that kind of questionable request.
    should probably be
    As soon as the girls said quick hellos and Jarna laid out the breakfast, they left us alone and Tatsu-san immediately makes that kind of questionable request.

    I’ve always wondered, but just what is Maryiste? For the Maitresse of a brothel to confidently declare she can give advice on how things work with in a Noble’s party… it’s weird, right?
    should probably be
    I’ve always wondered, but just who is Maryiste? For the Maitresse of a brothel to confidently declare she can give advice on how things work within a Noble’s party… it’s weird, right?

    Although, the custome is more often for sake than tea, but it’s a little early for alcohol.
    should probably be
    Although, the custom is more often for sake than tea, but it’s a little early for alcohol.

    All of these are probably situations and not absolutes. Take them with a grain of salt as always.


      1. I doubt it was intentional, but every time I read Muscortu wine, it makes me think of muskwort(which, if I’m not mistaken, is an algae)… Weird, I know.


  23. Thanks for the chapter 🙂


  24. We still have not seen the debut of Masaki’s sabre. Will it be awesome? Will it reveal some flaw in the process that might be overcome? Will it be just perfect, for someone else? Perhaps…

    The following is a dramatisation of the events that would become known as “Masaki did a very bad thing and his estate is very very sorry”:
    Jun: “Masaki, I made a sword for you! (I nearly melted the forge making it…)”
    Masaki: “Wow, thankyou! Is this a gift?”
    Jun: “Oh, the crafters told me to stop giving things away for free, it would be sort of awkward… But Carnac must be throwing money at you, right?”
    Masaki: glances at Seimei “Yes, that sounds right, how much then?”
    Jun: “Oh, I don’t know, a million? … Lets test it in the labyrinth and see what you think it’s worth.”
    :The Labyrinth
    Masaki: points sabre “What’s this?”
    Jun: “A giant beetle”
    Masaki: points sabre “What’s this?”
    Jun: “A giant frog”
    Masaki: points sabre “What’s this?”
    Jun: “In a moment, I am a little busy with this.”
    Rust Monster: “I say good sir, is that for me? It smells delicious!”
    Jun: O.O “Nooo! My baby! You were too young and beautiful for this world…”
    Rust Monster: “My thanks. That was simply scrumptious. Have you another? Well, this has granted me a fine disposition, send for me if you have need of assistance! Alas, I must now be off, we are hosting a dinner party and Her Ladyship becomes rather askew at my tardiness at the best of times…” leaves
    Masaki: “What happened to my sword? I am just holding some rusty straps now. And why do you not have pupils in your eyes?”
    Jun: “>_<"
    Masaki: "And why is your hair floating?"
    Jun: "…"
    Masaki: "And why is the stone melting under your feet?"
    :Fade to black
    Jun: *Low growling*
    Masaki: "My what large teeth you have."
    Jun: *Snarls*
    :Fade to red
    Rust Monster:
    "Weee'll meet again"
    "Don't know wheeere, don't know when"
    "But I know we'll meet again some sunny day…"


  25. hi,
    thanks for the story

    which is called also called Aether
    –>which is also called Aether


  26. Aw, Midori is cute.


  27. Forget the other gamers being mad about them not telling. The other gamers seem to be the biggest powers that we know of right now, keeping them together and not fighting with each other feels like it ought to be a high priority.

    And especially when it comes to people like Emi… (I really hope nothing permanently bad happens to someone with such an already suffering heart, even if narratively I feel like something bad is probably going to happen.) … I would estimate that the worst possible thing would be for them to get strung along by someone feeding them false hopes of a return home.

    If I were in their shoes, the first thing I’d do when I learned that we couldn’t go back using the same method we came in on, would be to make absolutely sure that everyone is on the same page and that they’d reject any “betray your friends and I’ll send you home,” kinds of deals.


  28. Rereading the story so thanks again and figured I’d mention that this “Even when I check my Status, I don’t have anything like Light Magic, you know?” isn’t correct as in chapter 51 she had this ” (Light Magic: , )” in her status so it may be good to change one of the two.


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